ギャラリー.アート展·「The Vulture And The Blossoms」 Tian Yuan Zheng それらの花2024
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「The Vulture And The Blossoms」 Tian Yuan Zheng それらの花2024

作家名   : Tian Yuan Zheng

タイトル  : The Vulture And The Blossoms

表現方法  : acrylics and ink

サイズ   : 30inch x 30 inch



【 略歴 】

Tian Yuan Zheng is a multidisplinary artist that uses mainly acrylics and mixed media mediums. Mixing elements of abstract expressionsim and impressionism, she creates a dreamy and naturalisitc world that is free of any constraints. 

【 個展・グループ展・受賞歴など 】

university of toronto art exhibition

【 作品への思い 】

My creative process was based on a personal reflection of life and death, the vulture and the blossoms are two dualistic approaches of my melancholic thoughts. While inevitably humans and life itself is limited, the environment is everchanging that is too cruel to stop for anyone.The existential fear haunts me but also aspires human life to be percious and beautiful. The plum blossom, represents my resilience and an reminder to the cycle of mother nature, to bloom to the fullest and fade away. 

【 創作活動への思い 】

I often times use nature as my inspirationn, going on walks, watching nature docuementaries, and gaining new experiences all help with my creative process. 

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