ギャラリー.アート展·Melanie Boeker 「Strange Kappa」
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Melanie Boeker 「Strange Kappa」

作家名   : Melanie Boeker

タイトル  : Strange Kappa

表現方法  : Ink and water-based ink coloring with colored pencil

サイズ   : A4



【 略歴 】

Temple University Japan

I tend to only sketch in permanent mediums, like pen, as I feel that will hone my ability to do things correctly from the start. That being said, I enjoy the flowiness of making without much thought and prefer relying on intuition as opposed to meticulous planning - however, both are important and go hand in hand. No matter the medium, I find myself wanting to make things each and every day, and I intend on doing so for life.

【 作品への思い 】

There is a strong essence of ambiguity in green, such as peering deep into a forest without any expectation of what you might see-so I decided to make something entirely unexpected. Kappas aresome of my favorite green creatures, so I wished to pay them homage by making a mysterious one.

【 緑について】

When we see green, we see what our ancestors lived alongside for generations - all stories and legends originate in this vibrant, yet deep color. Our eyes are adapted to see more shades of green than any other color because long ago, in the murky jungle, was either a rich bounty, or lurking danger.

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