ギャラリー.アート展·Violet Dou 「Alphabet Book」
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Violet Dou 「Alphabet Book」

作家名   : Violet Dou

タイトル  : Alphabet Book

表現方法  : Watercolor and Woodcut

サイズ   : 297mm×420mm



【 略歴 】

University of the Arts London 

Illustration course at Camberwell College of Arts

Experience in collaborative and individual curatorial and publication projects with external clients. Proficient in using industry-standard software and techniques as well as skills in traditional printmaking and ceramics.

【 作品への思い 】

This piece is one of the 12 prints in my series “Objects of the Third Space.” Inspired by psychoanalyst Donald 

Winnicott’s study on “transitional phenomena,” in which is described how infants utilize comforting objects to navigate the detachment from maternal warmth, my work delves into the significance of such objects in the adult stage of human experience. These objects reside in a “Third Space,” a liminal realm between subjective perception and the objective external world.

【 緑について】

The color green epitomizes harmony and balance, being a result of yellow and blue, and embodying both their relaxing and energizing qualities. In my exhibited piece, green symbolizes the comforting equipoise found in transitional objects. These objects offer a sense of stability and solace, mirroring the dual nature of green as both soothing and invigorating.

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