作家名 : Melanie Botoni Boeker
タイトル : Field of Flowers
表現方法 : Ink and water based ink coloring
サイズ : B4 (364mm×257mm)
【 作品への思い 】
I combined my interest of making creatures with the prompt for the exhibition, flowers. I sketched the dragon first, then added the flower field, and finishing by creating the mountains and sky. I decided on making a playful piece as dragons are usually depicted as being overly serious.
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【 略歴 】
This is my first public exhibition, but in high school I entered competitions a few times.
【 創作活動への思い 】
I tend to only sketch in permanent mediums, like pen, as I feel that will hone my ability to do things correctly from the start. That being said, I enjoy the flowiness of making without much thought and prefer relying on intuition as opposed to meticulous planning - however, both are important and go hand in hand. No matter the medium, I find myself wanting to make things each and every day, and I intend on doing so for life.
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